November 26, 2024

Calvary Compass – November 26, 2024 - Calvary United Church,  


Dear Friends of Calvary,

Thank you to Rev. Susan Cameron for the uplifting worship service and sermon on Sunday.

Rev. Kerry will be away this week. If you have need of Emergency Pastoral Care, please contact the church office for assistance.

Next Sunday is the start of Advent. Rev. Kerry will be back and we will be celebrating Communion. A Benevolent Offering will be taken. This offering helps to support people in need and other outreach programs such as Community Breakfast.


Worship Services are all live-streamed: 

December 1st - Advent 1 and Communion -

December 8th – Memorial Sunday -

 NOTE: The same links will work to view the recorded service, in case you are unable to watch the live-stream.

Recorded service for November 24th



Part One of the Advent Project is donating clothes and household items to Life*Spin. The project is from November 4th and until December 8th.  The last date to drop off items to the church is Sunday, December 8th since the last date that Outreach can deliver the items to the Life*Spin  Free Store on Dundas Street. is December 12th. Life*Spin will be closed for the Christmas holidays. There is a table at the parking lot entrance for donations.

Men's Clothing - Size 30, 34, 36 waist, sweatshirts, coats size S, M,L, and warm scarves, gloves, mitts and hats

Women's Clothing - small coats, mittens, hats, XS sweatsuits, hoodies, and XXL, XL sweatsuits and hoodies

Boys and Girls 7 years and up - Clothes, Coats, Hats and Mitts

NO Baby Clothes right now

Kitchen - cutlery, plates, bowls, pots and pans and toasters

Bedding, sheets, towels, blankets, pillows

Donations of Tote Bags and Gym Bags are also needed


Part Two of the Outreach Committee's Advent project is sponsoring "Joan's Place - Youth Opportunities Unlimited". Joan's Place provides a safe and affordable home for youth, young mothers and mothers-to-be who are experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness. We will be collecting monetary donations throughout the Advent Season. If you would like to contribute, please make a cheque payable to " Youth Opportunities Unlimited" with Joan's Place noted on the memo line. Tax receipts for 2024 will be issued for the cheques dated on or before December 31, 2024.

Thank you for your donation.



To place an order for Calvary’s frozen ready-to-bake tourtière or apple crisp, contact Marg LaRocque - or 519-681-7810. The tourtière cost is $24 and an apple crisp is $8.



On Sunday, December 8th after the worship service, a mini bazaar will be happening in the lower hall. There will also be a Coffee Hour and cookies will be provided by Kathie Leigh. The leftover preserves and crafts from the bigger bazaar will be on sale plus there will be frozen food. Please bring cash money and your own bags.



This Wednesday, we will be making three Christmas cards. The cost is $2 for materials. Please register in advance by contacting the office if you wish to attend.

On Wednesday December 11th at 12 Noon, we are planning our Christmas get-together. We are ordering lasagna - meat or vegetarian for our lunch ($15 per person). Guest are welcome. We are asking everyone to bring a wrapped gift of $5 for under the tree. If you wish to attend, please let Kris Goodman know - and sign whether you wish meat or vegetarian lasagna.



On Friday, November 29th at 9:00 am, we will be putting up the two sanctuary Christmas trees and the other decorations. If you are interested in helping, arrive at 9 am. Please enter by the Garfield porch door. 

We can start to decorate the tree with new mittens, hats, scarves and gloves on Sunday. These items will go to the London Community Chaplaincy for the families at the Southdale and Limberlost locations.



Hopefully all of you have now received the Anniversary letter and information on Called To Be The Church. Please complete the form and return it to the church by December 1st even if you are not changing your giving amount. While the Postal Strike is on, you can drop your form on the offering plate OR drop it into Calvary's  mailbox by the Christian Education wing OR bring it into the church office. Stewardship and Finance Committee utilizes the figures to assess the budgets and spending for 2025.



Please save any unwanted 2025 calendars. The Outreach Committee will be collecting them for redistribution at the Community Breakfast, the London Community Chaplaincy, etc. Collections boxes are located at the back of the sanctuary and at the parking lot entrance.


Upcoming Bazaars and Events:

  • Annual Christmas Carol Service, Royal Canadian College of Organists, December 1st at 7:30, Metropolitan United Church

  • Forest City Singers present Christmas Songbook, December 6 at 7 pm at Rowntree United Church, Tickets $20

  • Handel’s Messiah, December 21 at 7:30 pm, Knox Presbyterian, St. Thomas,

(for details on these events, see the posters on the bulletin board at the parking lot entrance)


Meetings this Week:

•           Trustees - Tuesday - 7:00 pm via Zoom   

•           CHAMPION - Wednesday -1:00 - 3:30 pm

•           Sanctuary Decorating - Friday - 9:00 am  - enter through Garfield Porch door


Bible Study:

Bible Study is cancelled this week.


Psalm for the Week:

Psalm 25: 1 -3 New Revised Standard Version translation

            To you, God, I lift up my soul.

            My God, I trust in you;

            don't let me be ashamed,

            don't let my enemies exult over me.

            Do not let those who wait for you be put to shame;

            let them be ashamed who are wantonly treacherous.


 Prayer for the Week:

            Creator God,

            We lift our prayers to you. Help us be in right

            relationship with each other and you. May we

            follow the teachings and ways of Jesus Christ as we

            are encouraged each day by the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer focus for the week: For those that have cancer and their caregivers.

Kim Knowles